At LSBM London

Created by Doro 4 days ago

Tribute to late Sam…

I still cannot believe that Sam is gone.

Sam will be deeply missed.

I remember our time studying law at LSBM from 2016 to 2018. We were classmates, and shortly after the UK General Elections where Theresa May won with a slight majority, I had run as an independent candidate for MP. 

The next day in class, Sam saw me and said, “Doro, that was a bold move even though you lost,” and we both laughed. He then added with a hearty laugh, “Oh boy, you got less than a hundred votes.” 

We laughed until tears came to our eyes.

But I admire the courage of your conviction he told me afterwards.

We were quiet adversaries in class.

While he preferred research and sound references to back up his arguments, I relied primarily on popular belief. 

He always focused on the form of the matter (source), while I preferred the substance of the matter.

Even though we often agreed to disagree, I found him a worthy adversary. 

Our debates were always adversarial for the betterment of both of us.

Sam will be greatly missed, and may God grant his family and friends the strength to bear this irreparable loss.

May he rest in perfect peace, IJN Amen.